Differential diagnosis in AMBOSS

Get to the most probable cause — in seconds

DDx made for skimming on the fly. AMBOSS articles give you targeted lists that help you make the right diagnosis.

A computer with a Differential Diagnosis screenshot

Consider your diagnoses from all angles

Our Differential Diagnosis section lists are made for accuracy.

Scannable for quick reference

Etiologies are always listed as bullet points for easy readability.

Clinically relevant

The most common and important conditions included.

Quickly explore potential etiologies

Interlinked info helps you learn about and consider alternative diseases processes.
Popup of reference inside Differential Diagnosis

The DDx built right into your workflow

Feel confident in your patient evaluations with clear overviews of different conditions

How to use in AMBOSS

  1. Look up the condition and jump to the DDx section
  2. Cross out what doesn’t fit your first evaluation
  3. Click on possible conditions to see necessary diagnostic studies
  4. Diagnose your patient with confidence
Differential Diagnosis popup

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